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UID2 Overview for Publishers

Maintain audience targeting in the ever-changing advertising industry for better impression monetization and more relevance.


As a publisher, you can benefit from the cross-device presence of Unified ID 2.0 (UID2) and take advantage of a consistent identity fabric on all your inventory.

Learn about benefits, workflow, documentation, and other resources for publishers adopting UID2, as well as instructions for getting started.


If you want access in the left sidebar to the full set of UID2 documentation, see Unified ID 2.0 Overview.

Benefits of UID2 for Publishers

Here are just some of the intended benefits for publishers integrating with UID2:

  • Addressable audience targeting on desktop, mobile, and CTV with a single identifier.
  • Frequency management across devices.
  • More relevant content recommendations.
  • The ability to provide personalized ad experiences with relevant content.
  • The ability to offer opt-out, with the goal of improving consumer privacy controls.

Workflow for Publishers

The following steps provide a high-level outline of the workflow intended for organizations that propagate UID2 tokens to the bidstream via SSPs—for example, identity providers, publishers, and SSO providers. Publishers can choose to work with an SSO provider or an independent ID provider that is interoperable with UID2 and can handle the UID2 integration on behalf of publishers.

  1. A user visits a publisher website, mobile app, or CTV app.

  2. The publisher provides transparency around its data practices and asks the user to provide an email address or phone number.

  3. Once the user has provided an email address or phone number, the publisher sends it to the UID2 Operator via an SDK or direct API integration.


    A publisher can authorize an SSO provider or identity provider to pass DII on their behalf.

  4. The UID2 Operator:

    • Takes the email or phone number.
    • Performs the salt, hash, and encryption process.
    • Returns the UID2 token.
  5. The publisher stores the UID2 token to share with SSPs during real-time bidding.

    • Server-side: The publisher stores the token in a mapping table, DMP, data lake, or other server-side application.
    • Client-side: The publisher stores the token in a client-side app or in the user’s browser as a first-party cookie.
  6. The publisher retrieves the UID2 token from storage.

  7. The publisher sends the UID2 token to the SSP.

  8. The SSP puts the bid request, with the UID2 token, into the bidstream.

Publisher Workflow

Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Request access to UID2 by filling out the form on the Request Access page.

  2. Identify the properties that you want to integrate with UID2.

  3. Sign the UID2 contract.

  4. Determine whether you want a client-side, client-server, or server-side integration, and tell your UID2 contact.

    For more information about these options, see Integration Approaches.

  5. Receive the UID2 credentials.

  6. Build your integration to UID2 via an SDK or direct integration with the UID2 APIs, using the applicable implementation resources.


    Be sure to encrypt request messages to UID2. For details, see Encrypting Requests and Decrypting Responses.

  7. Test:

    • Confirm that UID2 tokens are being generated and passed correctly within the bid request.
    • Troubleshoot as needed, and work with SSPs to properly pass UID2 tokens in bid requests.
  8. Go live.

Implementation Resources

The following resources are available for publishers to implement UID2:

Web Integrations

The following resources are available for publisher web integrations.


For a detailed summary of web integration options, see Web Integration Overview.

Integration TypeDocumentationContent Description
Prebid (Overview)UID2 Integration Overview for PrebidAn overview of options for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 and generate UID2 tokens to be passed by Prebid.js or Prebid Mobile SDK in the RTB bidstream.
Prebid.js Client-Side IntegrationUID2 Client-Side Integration Guide for Prebid.jsA guide for publishers who want to request UID2 tokens client-side, which is the easiest implementation approach, and choose to have Prebid.js manage the following:
  • Token generation and token refresh.
  • Passing the tokens into the RTB bidstream.
Prebid.js Client-Server IntegrationUID2 Client-Server Integration Guide for Prebid.jsA guide for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 and generate UID2 tokens (advertising tokens) to be passed by Prebid.js in the RTB bidstream, but want to generate tokens server-side: for example, publishers who are using a Private Operator.
JavaScript (Overview)UID2 Integration Overview for JavaScriptAn overview of options for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 using the JavaScript SDK.
JavaScript Client-Side IntegrationClient-Side Integration Guide for JavaScriptA guide for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 using only client-side JavaScript changes, which is the easiest implementation approach.
The SDK for JavaScript manages token generation and token refresh automatically.
JavaScript Client-Server IntegrationClient-Server Integration Guide for JavaScriptA publisher guide covering standard web integration scenarios that use the SDK for JavaScript and require tokens to be generated on the server side and passed to the publisher web pages.
Server-Side IntegrationPublisher Integration Guide, Server-SideA guide for publishers who do not use the SDK for JavaScript.
Publisher/SSP Integration with GAMGoogle Ad Manager Secure Signals Integration GuideA guide covering the additional steps needed for publishers using UID2 with the Google Ad Manager Secure Signals feature (previously known as Encrypted Signals for Publishers, ESP).

Mobile Integrations

The following resources are available for publisher integrations supporting Android or iOS devices.

Integration TypeDocumentationContent Description
Android/iOS (Overview)Mobile Integration Overview for Android and iOSAn overview of options for mobile app publishers who want to integrate with UID2 using the SDK for Android or the SDK for iOS.
Android/iOS, Client-Side IntegrationClient-Side Integration Guide for MobileAn integration guide for mobile app publishers who want to integrate with UID2 with changes only within the mobile app (no server-side changes).
Android/iOS, Client-Server IntegrationClient-Server Integration Guide for MobileAn integration guide for mobile app publishers who want to integrate with UID2 by doing the following:
  1. Generating UID2 tokens server-side via either a Public or Private Operator.
  2. Passing the resulting identities to a mobile app for passing into the bidstream.
AndroidSDK for Android Reference GuideAn SDK that facilitates the process of generating or establishing client identity using UID2 and retrieving UID2 tokens for publishers that need to support Android apps.
iOSSDK for iOS Reference GuideAn SDK that facilitates the process of generating or establishing client identity using UID2 and retrieving UID2 tokens for publishers that need to support iOS apps.

CTV Integrations

The following resources are available for publisher integrations supporting CTV.

Integration TypeDocumentationContent Description
CTVCTV Integration GuideA summary of CTV integration options, with links to additional information and instructions.

Prebid Integrations

The following resources are available for publishers integrating with Prebid.

Integration TypeDocumentationContent Description
Prebid (Overview)UID2 Integration Overview for PrebidAn overview of options for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 and generate UID2 tokens to be passed by Prebid.js or Prebid Mobile SDK in the RTB bidstream.
Prebid.js Client-Side IntegrationUID2 Client-Side Integration Guide for Prebid.jsA guide for publishers who want to request UID2 tokens client-side, which is the easiest implementation approach, and choose to have Prebid.js manage the following:
  • Token generation and token refresh.
  • Passing the tokens into the RTB bidstream.
Prebid.js Client-Server IntegrationUID2 Client-Server Integration Guide for Prebid.jsA guide for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 and generate UID2 tokens to be passed by Prebid.js in the RTB bidstream, but want to generate tokens server-side: for example, publishers who are using a Private Operator.
Prebid.js on MobileUID2 Mobile Integration for Prebid.jsA summary of information resources for UID2 integration with Prebid.js on mobile devices.

The following resources are available for publishers integrating with Google Ad Manager.

Integration TypeDocumentationContent Description
Publisher/SSP Integration with GAMGoogle Ad Manager Secure Signals Integration GuideA guide covering the additional steps needed for publishers using UID2 with the Google Ad Manager Secure Signals feature (previously known as Encrypted Signals for Publishers, ESP).
GMA for AndroidUID2 GMA Plugin for Android Integration GuideA guide that enables publishers using the Google Mobile Ads (GMA) SDK to include UID2 tokens in ad requests from their Android apps.
GMA for iOSUID2 GMA Plugin for iOS Integration GuideA guide that enables publishers using the Google Mobile Ads (GMA) SDK to include UID2 tokens in ad requests from their iOS apps.
IMA for AndroidUID2 IMA Plugin for Android Integration GuideA guide that enables publishers using the Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK to include UID2 tokens in ad requests from their Android apps.
IMA for iOSUID2 IMA Plugin for iOS Integration GuideA guide that enables publishers using the Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK to include UID2 tokens in ad requests from their iOS apps.

FAQs for Publishers

For a list of frequently asked questions for publishers using the UID2 framework, see FAQs for Publishers.