UID2 Mobile Integration Overview for Android and iOS
This guide is an overview of integration options for mobile app publishers who want to integrate with UID2 using the SDK for Android or the SDK for iOS.
This guide uses the group term UID2 mobile SDKs to include both the SDK for Android and the SDK for iOS.
UID2 provides SDKs for Android/iOS that support the following:
- Generating the UID2 token
- Refreshing the UID2 token
- Storing the UID2 token
For additional flexibility, UID2 also provides alternative methods for some of the features and complementary products, such as UID2 Google GMA/IMA Plugins. Available options are described in the individual guides: see Integration Overview: High-Level Steps.
Integrating with Single Sign-On (SSO)
If you integrate with one or more SSO providers to offer SSO login, you might be able to retrieve the logged-in user's email address from the SSO provider to generate UID2 tokens.
For details, see Publisher Integration with SSO Providers.
Integration Overview: High-Level Steps
At a high level, to integrate your mobile app with UID2 using the UID2 mobile SDKs, you'll need to complete the following steps:
Complete the UID2 account setup.
Client-Server Integration Only: Integrate server-side token generation.
Add the SDK for Android or iOS into your mobile app.
Configure the SDK.
Check that the token was successfully generated and then pass it for bidstream use.
Optionally, configure the UID2 GMA/IMA plugins for integration with the Google GMA SDK and the Google IMA SDK.
For details, refer to one of the following guides:
Mobile Integration Paths
To determine the best integration path for your mobile scenario, consider these points:
Do you want to retrieve the UID2 token on the client side or on the server side? See Client-Side or Client-Server Integration.
What do you want to use to retrieve and refresh the UID2 token? See Generating, Storing, and Refreshing the UID2 Token.
How do you want to use the UID2 tokens? See Sending the Token to the Bidstream.
Complete UID2 Account Setup and Configure Account
To integrate with UID2, you'll need to have a UID2 account. If you haven't yet created an account, first follow the steps described on the Account Setup page.
When initial account setup is complete, you'll receive instructions and a link to access the UID2 Portal, where you can create your credentials for the production environment and configure additional values, if needed. For details, see Getting Started with the UID2 Portal.
The steps you'll take in the UID2 Portal are different depending on whether your implementation will be client-side, client-server, or server-side. Specific instructions are in each implementation guide. For a summary, see Client-Side or Client-Server Integration?
Client-Side or Client-Server Integration?
The options for integrating with UID2 using the UID2 mobile SDKs are summarized in the following table. Choose the integration approach that's best for you.
For details, see Integration Approaches.
Scenario | Option | Integration Guide |
You have access to DII (email address or phone number) on the client side/within the mobile app, and want to keep changes within your app only. | Client-side integration | UID2 Client-Side Integration Guide for Mobile |
You have access to DII on the server side only and can do the necessary development to generate UID2 tokens server-side, or you are using a Private Operator. | Client-Server Integration | UID2 Client-Server Integration Guide for Mobile |
Generating, Storing, and Refreshing the UID2 Token
The following table summarizes the mobile integration options for managing the UID2 token, including generating, storing, and refreshing the token, with links to the documentation for each option.
UID2 Mobile Implementation Option | SDK Doc | Implementation Guide |
UID2 Android SDK | SDK for Android Reference Guide | One of the following: |
UID2 iOS SDK | SDK for iOS Reference Guide | One of the following: |
Sending the Token to the Bidstream
There are many options for sending your UID2 tokens to the bidstream.
The following table summarizes the options supported by UID2.
Scenario | Integration Guide |
You want to use Google GMA to integrate video, banner, interstitial, or native ads into your Android app | Both of the following, in this sequence:
You want to use Google GMA to integrate video, banner, interstitial, or native ads into your iOS app | Both of the following, in this sequence:
You want to use Google IMA to integrate multimedia ads into your Android app | Both of the following, in this sequence:
You want to use Google IMA to integrate multimedia ads into your iOS app | Both of the following, in this sequence:
You want to use the Prebid Mobile SDK and Prebid Server to send out ad requests from your Android or iOS app | One of the following:
Functionality Summary
The following table summarizes the functionality available with the various integration options.
All options support either client-side or server-side integration.
Implementation Option | Generate Token from DII | Refresh Token | Android/iOS? | Send Token to Bidstream |
UID2 SDK for Android | ✅ | ✅ | Android | * |
UID2 SDK for iOS | ✅ | ✅ | iOS | * |
GMA Plugin for Android (Requires UID2 SDK for Android) | — | — | Android | ✅** |
GMA Plugin for iOS (Requires UID2 SDK for iOS) | — | — | iOS | ✅** |
IMA Plugin for Android (Requires UID2 SDK for Android) | — | — | Android | ✅** |
IMA Plugin for iOS (Requires UID2 SDK for iOS) | — | — | iOS | ✅** |
UID2 Integration with Prebid Mobile SDK | — | — | Either | ✅*** |
*You can combine the SDK with the IMA/GMA Plugin or the UID2 Integration with Prebid Mobile SDK to send the token to the bidstream via Google or Prebid Server, or you can retrieve the token manually from the SDK and pass it to the bidstream in another way, according to your preference.
**After setup, Google GMA/IMA collects the token automatically and sends it to the bidstream.
***After setup, the UID2 Integration with Prebid Mobile SDK adds the token into the ad request to Prebid Server.
FAQs for Mobile Integrations
Here is some FAQ information relating to UID2 mobile integrations:
iOS: Can I use Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods/Podspec together?
For your UID2 Mobile integration, you can install the UID2 Mobile SDK, the UID2 GMA Plugin, and the UID2 IMA Plugin by either Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods.
Our recommendation:
- If you already use CocoaPods, particularly if you use it to integrate the Google Ad Frameworks yourself, it's best to use CocoaPods to integrate the UID2 SDKs.
- If you're new to integrating dependencies, or you already have dependencies with Swift Package Manager, we recommend that you use Swift Package Manager for your UID2 mobile integration.
If you already use CocoaPods, this does not prevent your app from using Swift Package Manager (SPM) to integrate the UID2 SDK and plugins. However, there is a potential conflict. If you already have GMA installed with CocoaPods, and you then install the UID2 Mobile SDK, which itself includes GMA, with Swift Package Manager, you end up with two copies of GMA in your implementation, which does not work.
Therefore, if you already have GMA installed and want to install UID2, be sure that you first remove GMA from CocoaPods.
Podspec is the name of the file in CocoaPods that defines the libraries to be integrated with the app.
Troubleshooting Tips for Mobile Integrations
Here's some additional information to help you troubleshoot your UID2 mobile integrations:
Android SDK Cannot Connect in Production Environment
A good first step in troubleshooting is to look at the health check endpoint.
From your mobile device or Android emulator, see if you can reach this endpoint:
The response should be OK
Some error responses indicate a networking problem resulting in your app not being able to reach the UID2 endpoint. For example:
Caused by java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "prod.uidapi.com": No address associated with hostname
The SDK tries to refresh the UID2 token in the background. If an error such as an IOException occurs, the SDK retries multiple times. If retry is not successful, this exception is displayed.
Another good troubleshooting step is to enable logging. For details, see Enable Logging.