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Publisher Integration Guide, Server-Side

This guide is for publishers who want to integrate with UID2 to generate UID2 tokens (advertising tokens) for the RTB bidstream, with all integration activity on the server side.

The following options are available for publishers to integrate with UID2 on the server side:

There is also an example application that demonstrates the workflow. See Sample Application.

For a complete summary of publisher integration options, see Publisher Integrations.


To facilitate the process of establishing client identity using UID2 and retrieving UID2 tokens, consider using the SDK for JavaScript. For details, see Client-Server Integration Guide for JavaScript.


The guide outlines the basic steps that you need to consider if you're building an integration without using a client-side or server-side SDK. For example, you need to decide how to do the following:

  • Implement opportunities to capture email or phone number: for example, promotional exchanges, sign-ups and subscriptions, or marketing form fills.
  • Manage UID2 identity information and use it for targeted advertising
  • Refresh UID2 tokens
  • Deal with missing identities
  • Manage user opt-outs

See also FAQs.

Integration Steps

The following diagram outlines the steps required for a user to establish a UID2 token with a publisher and how the UID2 token integrates with the RTB bidstream.

If you're using a server-side SDK, the SDK takes care of all the steps that mention endpoints: for example, step 1-d, the publisher sends the user's DII to the token generation service.

Publisher Flow

The following sections provide additional details for each step in the diagram:

  1. Establish identity: capture user data
  2. Bid using a UID2 token
  3. Refresh a UID2 token
  4. Clear Identity: user logout

Establish Identity: Capture User Data

After authentication in step 1-c, which allows the publisher to validate the user's email address or phone number, the publisher can send a request to generate a UID2 token, on the server side. The following table details the token generation steps.


Rather than calling this endpoint directly, you could use one of the SDKs to manage it for you. For a summary of options, see SDKs: Summary.

1-dPOST /token/generateEstablish identity with UID2 by using the POST /token/generate endpoint to generate a UID2 token using the normalized email address or phone number of the user.
1-ePOST /token/generateReturn a UID2 token generated from the user's hashed or unhashed email address or phone number, plus associated values such as the refresh token.
1-fN/APlace the returned advertising_token and refresh_token in a store tied to a user. You might consider client-side storage, such as a first-party cookie, or server-side storage.

Bid Using a UID2 Token

Consider how you want to manage UID2 identity information and use it for targeted advertising; for example, to pass the returned UID2 token to SSPs.

2-aN/ASend the advertising_token from step 1-e to the SSP for bidding. Send the value as is.

For an example of what a UID2 token might look like in the bidstream, when it's sent from an SSP to a DSP, see What does a UID2 token look like in the bidstream?.

Refresh a UID2 Token

Use the POST /token/refresh endpoint to make sure you always have a valid and up-to-date UID2 token. The UID2 token must be refreshed to sync with the UID2 rotation. In addition, the token refresh process checks the user's opt-out status, and if the user has opted out, no new token is sent. This ends the token refresh chain, and you must not use that UID2 token again.

3-aN/AWhen a user returns to an asset and becomes active again, refresh the UID2 token before sending it to the SSP.
3-bPOST /token/refreshSend the refresh_token obtained in step 1-e as a query parameter.
3-cPOST /token/refreshThe UID2 service issues a new identity token for users that haven't opted out.
3-dN/APlace the values returned by the POST /token/refresh endpoint, advertising_token and refresh_token, so that they are linked to the user. You might consider client-side storage, such as a first-party cookie, or server-side storage.

Refresh tokens starting from the refresh_from timestamp, which is part of the identity returned by the POST /token/generate or POST /token/refresh endpoints.

Clear Identity: User Logout

If the user logs out, do not use the UID2 token.

4-aN/AThe user logs out from a publisher asset.
4-bN/ARemove the UID2 token you've stored for that user. No interaction with the UID2 service is required.

Sample Application

A sample application is available for server-side integration. See:


For a list of frequently asked questions for the publisher audience, see FAQs for Publishers.