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UID2 Client-Side Integration Guide for Prebid.js

This guide is for publishers who have access to DII (email address or phone number) on the client side and want to integrate with UID2 and generate UID2 tokens (advertising tokens) to be passed by Prebid.js in the RTB bidstream.

To integrate with UID2 using Prebid.js, you'll need to make changes to the HTML and JavaScript on your site. No server-side work is required if you follow this guide.

Prebid.js Version

This implementation requires Prebid.js version 8.21.0 or later. For version information, see

If you need to use an earlier version of Prebid.js, use the implementation solution presented in the UID2 Client-Server Integration Guide for Prebid.js instead.

Integration Example

An example of the UID2 Prebid.js client-side integration is available at the following links:

Integration Overview: High-Level Steps

You'll need to complete the following steps:

  1. Complete UID2 account setup.
  2. Add Prebid.js to your site.
  3. Configure the UID2 module.

Complete UID2 Account Setup

Complete the UID2 account setup by following the steps described in the Account Setup page. As part of the account setup process for a client-side implementation, you'll need to provide a list of domain names for the sites that you'll be using with Prebid.js.


Only root-level domains are required for account setup. For example, if you're going to use UID2 with Prebid.js on,, and, you only need to provide the domain names and

When account setup is complete, you'll receive a client keypair consisting of two values that identify you to the UID2 servers: Subscription ID and public key. These values are unique to you, and you'll use them to configure the UID2 module. For details, see Subscription ID and Public Key.

Add Prebid.js to Your Site

To add Prebid.js to your site, follow the instructions in Getting Started for Developers in the Prebid.js documentation.

When you download the Prebid.js package, add the UID2 module by checking the box next to the module named Unified ID 2.0, listed under the section User ID Modules.

When you've added Prebid.js to your site and confirmed that it's working properly, you're ready to configure the UID2 module.


To make sure that the UID2 module is installed, find the string uid2IdSystem in the pbjs.installedModules array.

Configure the UID2 Module

To configure the UID2 module, call pbjs.setConfig with an object containing the public key and Subscription ID that you received during account setup, as well as the user's hashed or unhashed email address or phone number.

Once it's configured, the UID2 module generates a UID2 token for the user and stores it in the user's browser. The module automatically refreshes the token as needed as long as your site is open in the user's browser.

You can configure the UID2 module using any one of the four accepted DII formats, for any specific user:

  • Normalized or un-normalized email address
  • Normalized, hashed, and Base64-encoded email address
  • Normalized phone number
  • Normalized, hashed, and Base64-encoded phone number


  • The DII format might vary per user, but you can only send one value per user.
  • If you want to pass the DII to the module already hashed, follow this sequence:
    1. First normalize.
    2. Then hash the result using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
    3. Then encode the resulting bytes of the hash value using Base64 encoding.
    For details, see Normalization and Encoding. For an example, see Configuring the UID2 Module: Code Example.
  • The UID2 module encrypts the hashed DII before sending it to the UID2 service.
  • If the module is configured multiple times, it uses the most recent configuration values.

Configuring the UID2 Module: Code Example

The following code snippet demonstrates the different ways that you can configure the UID2 module.

const baseConfig = {
userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'uid2',
params: {
serverPublicKey: publicKey,
subscriptionId: subscriptionId,
// Choose only one of the following: email, emailHash, phone, or phoneHash
email: '', // Normalized or non-normalized, unhashed email address
// emailHash: 'tMmiiTI7IaAcPpQPFQ65uMVCWH8av9jw4cwf/F5HVRQ=', // Normalized, hashed, and encoded email address
// phone: '+12345678901', // Normalized phone number
// phoneHash: 'EObwtHBUqDNZR33LNSMdtt5cafsYFuGmuY4ZLenlue4=', // Normalized, hashed, and encoded phone number

This example assumes that you're using the UID2 production environment. During integration testing, use the UID2 integration environment by setting params.uid2ApiBase to ''. Tokens from the UID2 integration environment are not valid for passing to the bidstream. For the integration environment, you will have different Subscription ID and public key values.

Storing the UID2 Token in the Browser

By default, the UID2 module stores data using local storage. To use a cookie instead, set to cookie, as shown in the following example.

For details, see Unified ID 2.0 Configuration in the Prebid documentation.

userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'uid2',
params: {
// default value is 'localStorage'
storage: 'cookie'

The cookie size can be significant, which could be a problem. However, if local storage is not an option, this is one possible approach.

When to Pass DII to the UID2 Module

When the UID2 module is configured, it checks for an existing UID2 token in the user's browser. If there is a token that was generated from the same DII, and either it's still valid or it can be refreshed, the module uses it, and refreshes if needed.

If there is no existing token, or the token has expired and cannot be refreshed, the UID2 module cannot generate a new token without DII.


Configure the UID2 module with the user's DII on each page load. This is the recommended approach.

In some cases, the user's DII is not available on page load, and getting the DII has some associated cost. For example, an API call might be required to fetch the DII, or the user has to be prompted to provide the DII information.

If the UID2 token has expired and cannot be refreshed, you must configure the UID2 module with DII to generate a new token. To do this, check the value returned by pbjs.getUserIds().uid2, as shown in the following example:

const params = {}; 

if (!pbjs.getUserIds().uid2) {
// There is no token that can be used or refreshed.
// The UID2 module must be configured with DII to generate a new token. = getUserEmail();
params.serverPublicKey = publicKey;
params.subscriptionId = subscriptionId;

userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'uid2',
params: params

It is possible that the user has opted out of UID2 previously. In this case, the UID2 module respects the user's optout and no UID2 token is generated and collected by Prebid.js.

Checking the Integration

To check that the UID2 module has successfully generated a UID2 token, call pbjs.getUserIds().uid2. If a value is returned, a valid UID2 token exists in the UID2 module.

If there are problems with the integration, here are some steps you can take:

  • Check the browser console logs.
  • Check the values for Subscription ID and public key:
    • Make sure they are exactly the same values that you received from the UID2 team.
    • Check that you have the correct values for the environment you're using. You'll have different Subscription ID and public key values for each environment.
  • Check that you provided the domain name of the site to the UID2 team during account setup. If needed, to confirm, ask your UID2 contact.
  • Use the browser developer tools to inspect the API calls to the UID2 service.

For additional help, refer to Prebid's documentation on Troubleshooting Prebid.js and Debugging Prebid.js.

An example of a tool for validating and debugging Prebid.js configuration is Professor Prebid, an open-source Chrome extension:

Optional: Specifying the API Base URL to Reduce Latency

By default, the UID2 module makes calls to a UID2 production environment server in the USA.

For information about how to choose the best URL for your use case, and a full list of valid base URLs, see Environments.

To specify a UID2 server that is not the default, when you're configuring the UID2 module, set the optional params.uid2ApiBase parameter, as shown in the following example:

userSync: {
userIds: [{
name: 'uid2',
params: {
uid2ApiBase: baseUrl,
// ...

Optional: Prebid.js Integration with Google Secure Signals

if you're using Prebid.js, and you're planning to pass UID2 tokens to Google using Google Secure Signals, there are a couple of additional configuration steps: