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Tokenized Sharing in Pixels

UID2 data shared in pixels must be in the form of UID2 tokens generated in one of these two ways:

Tokenized sharing is an option for any sharing route, but the main implementation outside of the bidstream is tokenized sharing in pixels.


Data in pixels can be accessed by unauthorized parties, so it is never acceptable to share raw UID2s in pixels. If you're sharing in pixels, tokenized sharing is required.


Tokenized sharing in pixels is applicable to the following audiences:

  • Sender: Most commonly an advertiser or data provider, but can be any authorized sharing participant.
  • Receiver: Any authorized sharing participant. See Information for Sharing Receivers.

Sharing UID2 Tokens in Pixels


We recommend generating the UID2 token directly from DII. You can do this in several ways; our recommendation is to generate the UID2 token client-side. For instructions, see Client-Side Integration Guide for JavaScript.

Different participants might use pixels in different ways. The following table shows two common use cases for pixels in the advertising technology ecosystem.

Tracking PixelCreative Pixel
What it measuresConversion/retargeting (user does something)Impression (user sees an ad)
WhereAdvertiser or publisher sitePublisher site via DSP
Starting pointDII in most cases
Raw UID2 is also possible, but encryption must be done on the server side.
Raw UID2
Format shared in pixelUID2 tokenUID2 token

There are two scenarios:

Account Setup in the UID2 Portal

In the UID2 Portal, the sender and the receiver must set up an account and the sender must configure sharing permissions.

The sender only needs to set up sharing permission once for each receiver or participant type. However, if you want to add new sharing permissions or change existing ones, you'll need to go back to adjust your settings.

For details, see UID2 Portal: Overview and follow the links for each task.

Workflow: Tokenized Sharing in Tracking Pixels

If you're using tracking pixels that fire when someone completes an action such as purchasing a product on a website, it's most likely that you'll start with DII and then convert it to a UID2 token, for tokenized sharing.

The UID2 sender specifies which receivers can decrypt their UID2 tokens, by configuring permissions in the UID2 Portal (see Sharing Permissions). When a sender grants permission to a receiver for UID2 sharing, the sender's cryptographic keys are shared with the receiver via a UID2 SDK or Snowflake. As part of sharing, the UID2 SDKs and APIs take care of the encryption and decryption.

For example, let's say that an advertiser (sender) wants to share UID2 tokens with a trusted sharing participant who is a UID2 DSP, for conversion tracking via a tracking pixel. Using sharing, here's the sequence:

  1. The advertiser is the sender, and does the following:

    1. Enables the DSP with sharing permission in the UID2 Portal.

    2. Directly generates UID2 tokens from the DII provided by the user using the POST /token/generate endpoint or one of the SDKs that support generating a UID2 token from DII.

      For a summary of options, see SDK Functionality. We recommend using the Client-Side Integration Guide for JavaScript.

    3. Sends the UID2 tokens securely to the DSP.

  2. The DSP, who is also taking part in sharing, is the receiver. The DSP has access to the advertiser's cryptographic keys, through the UID2 Portal sharing permissions setup, and can therefore decrypt the UID2 tokens into raw UID2s for segment creation.

Both the UID2 sender and receiver must create a UID2 Portal account (see Account Setup in the UID2 Portal) in order to take part in sharing. Without an account, a UID2 participant is not displayed in the list of sharing participants in the UID2 Portal, and cannot receive the sender's cryptographic keys for decryption.

Workflow: Tokenized Sharing in Creative Pixels

If you're using creative pixels, the DSP takes the raw UID2 and encrypts it into a UID2 token. The token is added into the creative pixel that is fired on impression.

All the implementation steps are the same as for tokenized sharing from raw UID2.

For examples of how you could implement tokenized sharing in pixels using Snowflake, see Snowflake Integration Guide: Usage for UID2 Sharers.

Information for Sharing Receivers

To be able to decrypt a UID2 token into a raw UID2, you must have a UID2 Portal account and the sender must create a sharing relationship with you.

For details, see Receiving UID2 Tokens from Another Sharing Participant.

It's important to set up a regular cadence for refreshing cryptographic keys, and to decrypt UID2 tokens promptly.

For details, see the following sections in UID2 Sharing: Best Practices: